Common foods that cause wrinkles in youth | health guideline 360
Common foods that cause wrinkles in youth As we age, our count calories influence both generally wellbeing and skin . That is, a good diet helps to keep the skin youthful, while harmful foods can cause premature wrinkles to appear on the face. This is why taking care of your diet not only provides protection against various diseases but also helps in keeping the skin youthful for longer. Foods That Increase The Risk Of Premature Wrinkles. 1. Fried foods: French fries or fried foods are cooked in oil at high temperatures , which release compounds that damage skin cells. These compounds weaken the skin's elasticity and damage DNA , which causes wrinkles to appear. These foods are also high in salt and salt attracts moisture from the skin, which also increases the risk of wrinkles. 2. Double White Bread: White bread is high in refined carbohydrates . These types of carbohydrates accelerate the aging process while also increasing body fat. Body edema also accelerates the a